
Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Birthday Girl

1st Birthday: I remember nothing. I've seen pictures of a mini me dressed up in chocolate cake, taking a swim in my grandmother's kitchen sink.

2nd Birthday: I remember nothing. Elmo was a highly favored guest I heard.

3rd Birthday: I remember nothing. By that time, there was a new family member added to our home.

4th Birthday: I remember receiving my two best friends: A large stuffed bunny I named "Flopsy," and a pink stuffed frog I decided to call "Daisy." Daisy still resides in our basement... Somewhere.

5th Birthday: I remember begging my mom for the cake that was shaped like a dress for Barbie. I believe that Barbie got a makeover and shortly after, took an extended vacation to the D.I.

6th Birthday: I remember dressing up as princesses and eating melted ice cream.

7th Birthday: I remember... Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Oops.

8th Birthday: I remember that being a coveted day. 

9th Birthday: I remember going to get my ears pierced and just minutes afterward, I  received the news that my grandpa had died. I remember crying with my mom in the store.

10th Birthday: I remember that everyone forgot about my party. I also remember picking up two friends to watch "High School Musical 3."

11th Birthday: I remember eating Subway with my family.

12th Birthday: I remember inviting girls I hardly knew. I was the new kid at school.

13th Birthday: I remember getting a pedicure and prank calling neighbor boys

14th Birthday: I remember it being on a Sunday. The boy I liked threw beans at me during church. Don't ask.

15th Birthday: I remember... Um... I guess I'll need to revisit my photo album.

16th Birthday: I remember I had expected to go on a date. Rather, I ate Chinese food and played on my new phone. 

17th Birthday: I remember eating breakfast with all the neighbor girls. 

18th Birthday: I remember feeling like this birthday was long in the making, but so well worth it.


  1. I love this idea. It was quite original.

  2. this is creative and original. love it!

  3. This was literally greatest thing ever, I like how everyone was involved it made the class feel connected in some sort of way. I remember when you performed it in the little theater it was great. Also haha I finally read your disclaimer for mine. Anyways I loved the whole post keep up the great writing.
