
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Civil War

I am living in the North, and


You're living in the South, and 


You never made me feel more like a war time casualty than I do in this moment.

Image result for american civil war

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

You May Want To Sit Down For This

I didn't go to any of the basketball games, and for a good reason too.

When spoken to about a suicide prevention week, our coveted star player commented:

"That's so gay.  You can't stop kids from killing themselves. Just let them go ahead and do it."

Sunday, May 22, 2016

thank you, thank you, thank you

thank you for teaching me that i am creative

that is something i will carry with me for as long as i live

Thursday, April 21, 2016

I Miss Creative Writing

I just read Nelson's blog post for today...

It was depressing.

And you know what? I get it.

I didn't share a deep story because I don't want to make friends that will leave me, and I them.

I just miss creative writing.

I miss everyone's blog posts.

I miss talking about our next project excitedly.

I miss getting to share stuff.

I miss worrying about getting my journal done on time.

I miss our deep discussions during class time.

I miss days like this.

I miss a lot of things, but mostly just creative writing.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Senior Storytelling Festival Pt. 1 of 2

Stories oftentimes have several different components.  They take course over a long period of time and involve several people or events.  My little story is rather simple.  

It was the winter of my junior year and it had been rough.  I was blue.  Blue in every sense of the word.  Just blue.  I had lost my friend group, and the stresses of my world were pressing down hard on me.  I had no one I felt I could talk to and certainly no one who really cared.  I was floating through my days, wishing that night time would come sooner than it had to.

One cloudy, January day, I needed to stay after school to work on some things for my classes.  I was walking down the 200 hall, just about to pass the art classrooms when my Journalism adviser, Mr. Rees, came walking towards me.

He was obviously getting ready to walk home as he often did.  He had his windbreaker zipped and his backpack slung over his shoulder.  He was talking on his cell phone, in the middle of a seemingly important conversation.

He made eye contact with me and immediately asked the person other the other end of the phone call to hang on for a moment, he held the phone at his side and stopped me.  He asked if I was doing alright and I told him that I was, but he paused for a moment and asked me if I was sure.  Of course I wasn’t going to tell my teacher about what was going on in my personal life, so I lied again and carried on my way.

Sure he doesn’t remember that conversation that happened over a year ago, but I do.

I have reflected on that afternoon many times and because of it, I was never again the person I once was.  Because of that afternoon, I decided to become an english teacher.  Because of that ten second conversation on a cloudy, January afternoon, I chose to take a path that altered the rest of my life.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Maybe my soul’s all right
But my body’s all wrong.

Maybe God didn’t like the look of my face when he saw it
Sometimes a big dog looks right into it.




Maybe my word's all right
But my voice is all wrong.

Maybe my spine's all right
Sometimes my mom tells me to sit up straight.

Just maybe.

Image result for voice

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Run River North - Lying Beast | Sofar Los Angeles

I am in love with this song, and I just found a Sofar video for it.

I think I will learn to sing it for my next project.

All I need is a guitar player lol.