
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Completely Naked

When I saw my blue ticket read "naked," I got really nervous.

Naked implies being raw and vulnerable-- two things I've fought myself over.

I sat for hours, thinking of what I could possibly say on this rather embarrassing topic.

And the thing is, ever since I started writing for this class, all I've ever been was "naked."

Image result for bleeding heart

I left my heart out in the open, expecting it to be torn at and stomped on, but I was wrong.

People left flowers on it instead.

I grew a love, trust, and respect for all those anonymous individuals.

and if that is not being naked, I don't know what is.


  1. So well done, that's a tough prompt to get and i love what you did w it.

  2. Oh! This gives me so much hope. This was so beautiful and out of the blue.

  3. Glad you've been naked (that feels very weird to say) so few people are ever raw.
